I researched Berea College it focused on learning, working, and serving. The students each get a full ride, but ate required to work a minimum of 10 hours a week. I have mixed feelings about these ideas. I do think learning, working, and service can be very important aspects of college. However, I do not think working a minimum of 10 hours a week is feasible for all students. I work 8 hours each week and because of my job I have to get my hours in during the week. I find myself getting overwhelmed sometimes, and I often stress out over assignments. I think working upwards of 10 hours every week could affect your school work. On the other hand, I love my work study job. I am on grounds crew. I get to work outside doing physical tasks. I really enjoy the break from the academic setting, I find it refreshes me and clears my head. I think working also teaches you many important skills including a good work ethic.
I think that the work study program is better than the Berea College method because work study is more flexible. You can work between 2 and 8 hours a week. The problem with work study is since it is government founded not everyone qualifies. The other issue is you are only able to make between 850 and 900 dollars. Therefore, I think it really depends on the person. If you are able to work 10 or more hours a week without your school work suffering then perhaps it would be a good college for you. But if you would not be able to handle such a schedule, then perhaps you should try a school with a work study program where your schedule can be lighter.